News & Events
  • Jan 2011
    SNS STARCH LTD has been promoted by a group of reputed and experienced industrialists and businessmen.
  • Jan / Feb 2012
    The machinery and equipment installed are state of the art and fully integrated for the conduct of automated processes.
  • June 2012
    SNS STARCH LTD launches its first product – Native Maize Starch Powder.
Mission & Vision Statement

While we retain our business and profit goals, we shall endeavour to create value to the customers as an ongoing mission. Accomplishing value creation is by fair pricing, employing logistical economies and cost effective packaging.

Create a sustainable model of engaging the farmer community for a mutually beneficial raw maize procurement program. This activity would encompass an element of micro finance, providing storage facility and logistical support.

Conduct of ongoing research for identification of application niches for maize starch. As a contribution towards the environment the corporate objective includes working towards manufacture of bio-plastics.